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更新时间:2025-03-10 11:50:38
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1. clay pottery什么意思

1. 黏土陶瓷器:Civil War 美国内战(南北战争) | clay pottery 黏土陶瓷器 | clean up 清理干净;清除

2. 泥质陶:clay pot ==> 粘土坩埚 | clay pottery ==> 泥质陶 | clay pounding ==> 舂土

Chinese Sculpture Gallery exhibits 127 pieces of ancient Chinese stone, wood, clay, pottery and cast-bronze sculptures from the Warring States Period to the Ming Dynasty.(中国古代雕塑共展出了源自战国至明朝的127件石刻、木雕、泥塑和铜铸作品。)
Ancient Chinese people living along the Yellow and Yangtze rivers began to make pottery and clay figures towards the end of the Primitive Society .(在原始社会末期,居住在黄河和长江流域的原始人,已经开始制作泥塑和陶塑了。)
Buttons and clay pottery?(纽扣和陶土?)
He burnt clay for pottery.(他将粘土烧成陶器。)
Yixing's brown earth pottery is made of a peculiar kind of local red clay.(宜兴紫砂陶器是由一种奇特的当地红粘土制成的。)
Pottery drum, also known as drum soil, clay is fired into the dark box, and then cast made of animal leather.(陶鼓又称土鼓,是用陶土烧制成鼓框,再蒙上动物的皮革做成的。)
It seems you have to pound the clay with a wooden hammer until all the particles get very fine to be used for making pottery, right?(好像得用木锤把它敲细,直到里面没有颗粒了才能做陶器,对吧?)
In this paper, the historical and cultural origins of purple clay pottery were traced and its craft attributes described.(回顾了紫砂陶器的文化历史渊源及其工艺特点。)
Ancient people made clay pottery because they needed it for their survival.(古代人制作陶器是因为他们的生存需要它。)
Around the same time, she met a young artist who would become very important to her.Juan Hamilton made pottery -- objects of clay.(在同一年时间里,她遇见了对她来说非常重要的年轻的制做陶器的艺术家胡安汉密尔顿,。)
clay pottery是什么意思 clay pottery在线翻译 clay pottery什么意思 clay pottery的意思 clay pottery的翻译 clay pottery的解释 clay pottery的发音 clay pottery的同义词